In the dynamic streets of Tokyo, I'm James Suarez, a photographer hailing from the English town of Newark-on-Trent. Since 2014, my lens has traversed Asia, exploring the urban landscapes of Mainland China, Hong Kong, and Japan. However, it was Tokyo in 2018 that truly became my artistic home.

Swiftly immersing myself in Tokyo's photography scene, I became a proud member of the Tokyo Street Photography Collective. Here, amidst a community of kindred spirits, I found artists who shared my passion for capturing the raw essence of street life. Through these connections, my network expanded to include creatives and photographers from around the globe.

Since my Tokyo venture, I've curated exhibitions and published physical collections of my work.


Selected Exhibitions:

2019. Tokyo Street Photography Collective’s “#TokyoSPC” , Shibuya, Tokyo.

2019. Tokyo Love Hotels “vol.12” , Harajuku, Tokyo.

2019. Ricoh GR “GR Snaps vol. 7” , Shosai, Tokyo.

2020. Terranova House presents: “Tokyo Nova”, Yoyogi-Uehara, Tokyo.

2020. Tokyo Love Hotels “All Hallow’s Eve”, Harajuku, Tokyo.

2021. Tokyo Love Hotels “NYE“, Harajuku, Tokyo.

2023. Street Photography Showcase, Conceal Gallery, Shibuya, Tokyo.

2023. The “STREETS“, Niwatori Coffee, Koenji, Tokyo.

Selected Publications:

Tokyo-SPC ZINE 1st Issue #tokyospc

Nights We Cherish